The seminar will take place in Heist-op-den-Berg, a rather rural community in the heart of the province Antwerp in Belgium, but one that is bursting with life! If you like to enjoy landscapes, love a portion of culture or just like to have a peek at the local atmosphere in the numerous pubs and restaurants, you will surely find something to enjoy in “Hest” – as the locals call their town.
The Dojo is only a 15 minutes walk from the town’s center, where you will be astonished by the large variety of shopping, dinner and … drinking possibilities. In “Hest” they enjoy life, living it in full!
The main shopping street is called “Bergstraat” (mountain street ?). Unfortunately, the shops will be closed on Sunday but the pubs at “The golden crossroad” as we call it will be open!
In the midst of the vibrant, dynamic center you will notice the “Heist mountain”. At a height of 45 meters, this hill is the second highest natural point in the province of Antwerp and where the town’s church is located.
If you manage to stay till Sunday noon, then you can hang out on one of the largest antique and flea markets in the wide region. Always a very popular Sunday outing and even attracting many visitors from neighboring countries. It starts early in the morning (really early 🙂 ) and ends around noontime, so you may need half a day to get around to see all the “genuine antique :)” spots, food-stands and curiosities.
Here you can find the tourist info site, Dutch version only, but it contains a lot of pictures that should give you a good idea.
Have a pleasant stay in “Hest” if you can spend some time outside the Dojo.
Other great cities to visit
In the near vicinity of Heist-op-den-Berg there are at least two great historical and flourishing cities to visit for the non-participants during the seminar or afterward together: Lier and Mechelen.
More information can be found here:
A bit further away but very accessible by car and public transportation are our capital Brussels and the city of Antwerp.
- Visit Brussels

- Visit Antwerp

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